Strengths, problems and potentialities of the contemporary agroecological context of Rosario

date: December 31st, 2022

At the height of the industrialized agriculture boom, the advance of the soybean frontier and the urban frontier on rural land in Rosario, the first agroecological neighborhood horticultural uban farms experiences began in 1987. The strong local horticultural tradition, built by European, Bolivian and Northern Argentinean immigrants during the 20th century, provided a solid base for agroecological development in the city. After more than thirty years of continuous activity, and more than twenty years of sustained public policies, there is a system of urban and peri-urban agroecological productive spaces or in agroecological transition, as well as a significant number of trained huerteros/as and quinteros/as. Urban producers receive state support for access to land, training, services and implements essential for production. The latter, as well as periurban producers, have the experienced support of municipal technicians and professionals. The products are marketed through short marketing chains, guaranteeing their sale and the economic support of the enterprises. Urban  Horticultural Parks, Periurban Farms, Fairs and Agroecological Markets, among others, are the most visible components of the local agroecological system, which coexists with the hegemonic systems of agricultural and horticultural production and food supply, most of which are produced at a great distance from the city. 

The agroecological development that has taken place in the city of Rosario has made it a national and international reference, but there is still much to be done to create a local food system, which is only viable if urban-territorial planning integrates it transversally. Sustaining what has been achieved requires intense technical support and local management work, made possible by the validity of municipal policies and the existence of a large platform of diverse actors involved. 
